What do you actually do all day long?
Such kind of questions are asked by many acquaintances and friends. You can’t sail all day long. No, admittedly, we do not sail all the time. Life as a Lifeabord is extremely versatile. Exploring islands, snorkeling and diving, cleaning and organizing, answering and reading mails, planning routes, meeting friends, stand up paddling and so on. And for Ka: giving free rein to her creative drive. Writing sailing stories for children for example.
And therefore here is a story about how a story is created.

The Rivercafe sailing tales for kids
Already on our last long journey Ka wrote a story for our grandchildren. She had 2 rag dolls with her and took pictures of them in all imaginable situations to tell beautiful stories. It was about the places we saw and people we met. Ka can’t really do nothing. There you play your own flow of ideas, creativity, a trick.
This time the journey will be longer and so will the story. Even before we set foot on our Cat, she started to work on the new stories. She exchanged ideas with our grandchildren about the choice of characters. Had to rewrite everything from time to time, because little Hannah didn’t want to be a mouse after all, but a dog and Henri wanted to be a funny mouse.
Dolphin and monkey were added as further animal friends. And suddenly she sat there with her board and started drawing funny motives. Funnily enough, illustrations were not intended at all, but then she said “The story is getting too long, she needs illustrations”. No big deal for an awarded designer like Ka.
Now part 1 of the story is finished. It is about the bored life at home and the longing for the sea. It’s about sailing off, about the long journey on the boat and about 4 animal friends who will set off together on a world trip. The small part 1 has 74 pages. Part 2 is already in work. So far the stories are only available in German, maybe soon in English.
If you want to read the story or read it aloud, you can download it here or as a PDF file. And if you want to write something to Ka, just send her a short mail: k@sailrivercafe.com

Hallo Karin und Holger,
ich grüße euch und beglückwünsche euch für eure Aktivitäten rund um euren großen Traum, den ihr nun realisiert. Chapeau! sagt da der Franzose in mir. Das wird bestimmt ein großer Moment, wenn ihr euren neuen Kat betretet, mitten im Atlantik sozusagen. Ich freue mich mit euch!
What a FUN idea, Karin!!
Hope it evolves into an English version… one day!!
Sarah 🥰
Thanks it will. Holger is still working on that. Hugs Ka