
St. Vincent to St. Lucia

The perfect sailing day

I can hardly believe that we have already left the Grenadines again. But time is unfortunately not endless for us either. On Nov22 we have to be in Guadeloupe to do some work on the boat. The remaining 200 nm in are not a stress programme, but the look at the calendar creeps in again. We want to spend a few days in St Lucia and then sail past Martinique and Dominica to Guadeloupe without a longer stay.

Canouan and Bequia

Our last Grenadines days were spent in Canouan and Bequia (pronounced Bäk-Wäi). In Canouan’s Sandy Lane we breathed a little luxury, which is rare in the Caribbean. 20 nm north, we then dropped anchor in Bequia. The island of the incredibly friendly people. A tip for yachties: the Yacht Chandler in Bequia is really good, I found everything that was not available in Grenada.

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Sandy Lane in Canouan

In the Grenadines we actually saw the first two cruise ships since we left Europe. The World Navigator and the Seaborn Odyssey. Both small, exclusive ships. It seems to be slowly getting going again

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Bequia Cruiseship and Sailors share a bay, beach of Bequia

To catch the best possible weather window for the passage to St Lucia, we stopped for one more night at Young Island, off the main island of St Vincent. A nice place, but unfortunately recently disreputable. A catamaran was stolen at anchor there. Not good for business. Such information spreads faster in the sailing community than free beer. Consequently, it was pretty empty there and we also spent the evening on board instead of in the delicious restaurant of the Young Island Resort. A pity.

Finally a great sailing day

At sunrise at 6.00 a.m. we left St. Vincent & the Grenadines and set sail for our next destination, St. Lucia. 55 nm and an island passage ahead of us. It was a great sailing day, probably the best on the Rivercafe.

For once, the weather forecast was exactly right. The wind was constant as never before at a pleasant 4-5 Bft, between 12 and 20 knots. It’s simply nice when the weather forecast is right and you don’t have to constantly reef or unfurl the sails. In contrast to the unpleasantly short 3-4 m wave the day before, we had pleasantly long waves of just over one metre. What a joy when you get a coffee and the cup is still full at the helm.


Left: Cruiseship und Segler in Bequia, right: Kingstown in St. Vincent in calm seas

On the way north, we noticed that we hadn’t seen any dolphins for over half a year. The Southern Caribbean is firmly in the hand of turtle fins. As an hobby marine biologist, I suspect that perhaps the sea is too warm. 29 degrees water temperature in Grenada and St. Vincent is close to tea-bagging. (ok, I’m a tea philistine, don’t won’t to blame my english friends with inadequate water temperature).

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Left: St. Lucia, Pitons, right: Marigot Bay

Jimmy-inside Jimmy

One more new crew member: fearless Jimmy

Strong winds rips our flag

For the first time this season we sailed full cloth, i.e. mainsail and genoa without reefing. I’m sure the Rivercafe was happy too. After 9 hours and almost 60 nm we turned into Marigot Bay, one of our favourite places in the Caribbean. This is where we are now staying for a few days. We have to put in a few days of work because our clients have needs and Ka has new projects for her yacht design. But I can’t think of a more pleasant place to do it.  And if we’re square-eyed, the Rivercafe is always happy to get some work done. But there will still be time for us to rent a car and spend time in St Lucia. I hear there are already Christmas decorations available. / Holger Binz


2 thoughts on “St. Vincent to St. Lucia”

  1. Heute liest sich euer Bericht wie ein Reisemagazin, alles stimmt; Vorhersagen, Wind und fliegende Besucher. Die Weihnachtsdeko wird hier auf der Insel auch schon kräftig angebracht. Wir wünschen euch noch viele viele solcher Segeltage wie beschrieben.
    liebe Grüße

    aus dem – in das Paradies
    Jürgen und Angelika

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